Birds outside of India

San Diego and Monterey, California, US

Snowy Egret:

Grey Heron:

Anna's Hummingbird

Western Gull:

California Brown Pelican:

Sooty Shearwater:

Humpback whale:

...and a few shots from the San Diego Zoo:

Rio, Brazil

Had gone to Brazil late March,2014 and could manage a couple of days to Rio. Here are some of the birds from an amazing day of sight seeing with Ricardo. Needless to say all were lifers for me :)

Southern House Wren

Striated Heron

Saffron Finch

Rusty margined Guan

Common Waxbill

Masked Water Tyrant

Saffron Finch

Slaty Breasted Woodrail

Tropical King Bird

Channel Billed Toucan

Black Cheeked Gnat eater

Scaled Antbird

White eared Marmoset

Guyana Squirrel

Copa Cabana Beach in the evening


England Countryside

Happened to visit England in May 2012 and was staying at this British countryside at Luton Hoo. Took a few snaps of the bird life in and around the lake very near to the place I was staying.

This Partridge just zoomed past before I could take a better shot.

Lot of coots in the lake a good family photo here:

And a beautiful Grebe here:


Birding near Bay area, California

 September 2010,  I happened to visit the Sunol wilderness near Pleasanton with my friends Tirtha and Pradyot.

From Birds in US Sep,2010

Though it was cloudy and not ideal for bird watching we did find quite a few varieties like the Scrub Jay, Acorn wood pecker, twohees and wild turkey

From Birds in US Sep,2010

From Birds in US Sep,2010

From Birds in US Sep,2010

From Birds in US Sep,2010

From Birds in US Sep,2010

From Birds in US Sep,2010

From Birds in US Sep,2010

We also visited the shoreline and Alviso Slough (San Jose) thanks to Vivek Pathak. Having seen the shoreline only from a distance all this while, it was quite interesting to see it is home to such a variety of birds.

From Birds in US Sep,2010

From Birds in US Sep,2010

From Birds in US Sep,2010

From Birds in US Sep,2010

From Birds in US Sep,2010

From Birds in US Sep,2010

.... Alviso had a lot more variety of wetland birds like the sandpipers, Egrets, cormorants and herons. Have captured a few here but definitely worth a second visit.

From Birds in US Sep,2010

From Birds in US Sep,2010

From Birds in US Sep,2010

From Birds in US Sep,2010

From Birds in US Sep,2010

From Birds in US Sep,2010

From Birds in US Sep,2010

From Birds in US Sep,2010

From Birds in US Sep,2010

From Birds in US Sep,2010

Some earlier photos of sea gulls from San Francisco:

From Embarcadero, SF

From Embarcadero, SF

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